Research Continues to Find More Evidence Supporting theBenefits of Organic Bee Pollen

Beekeeping basics

We are a nation that appears to be struggling with our efforts to stay both healthy and fit. From getting the right amount of exercise and eating right to reach a healthy and ideal weight to eating small daly doses of local organic honey to fight off allergies, more and more Americans are trying to break the unhealthy habits and cycles that so many of us have fallen victim to lately.

Not surprising, more and more bee keepers are doing what they can to make sure that they are helping reestablish the bee population in this country, as well as come up with a healthy supply of raw organic honey that can help local residents build up their immunities to local pollen sources. With the use of organic royal jelly, a potent, milky, pale yellow, creamy liquid with a strong taste, bee keepers are able to help attract and nourish queen bees. Kept at room temperatures, organic royal jelly has the consistency and appearance of vanilla pudding. Since queen bees live exclusively on royal jelly, this is a valuable resource which is thought to account for a bee’s incredible size, fertility, and longevity.
Consider some of these facts and figures about beekeeping basics and the benefits of raw honey:

  • In spite of their small size, honey bees can fly up to 15 miles per hour.
  • The number of colonies managed by human beekeepers in 2014 was at the highest it has been in 20 years, according to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports.
  • The retail price of honey has almost doubled since the year 2016.
  • Bees pollinate more than $15 million in crops every year in the U.S.
  • By helping at least 30% of crops and 90% of wild plants thrive, bees are pollinators, as well cross-pollinators.
  • Americans consume an average of 1.3 pounds of honey per person every single year.

As beekeepers across the nation work to rebuild both their industry and the bee population, it is important to make sure that these people make sure that they are making use of all of the available resources.

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