When it comes to beer, everyone has an opinion. Some people like the classics, others prefer craft beers that come in a variety of nuanced flavors. But a brewery is more than likely to have something for everyone, and purchasing an insulated beer growler to take home with you lets you savor your favorite beer that you might not otherwise find in stores.
Americans love their beer. In fact, studies have shown that almost half of all legal drinkers prefer drinking beer to any other form of alcoholic beverage, including wine. Among those Americans of a legal drinking age, over 27 gallons of beer and cider were consumed in 2015 alone. And almost 15% of the population in the United States enjoys beer on a weekly basis.
Craft beer in particular is on the rise. The market in the United States for craft beer is currently estimated at over twenty three billion dollars. The number of breweries in the United States has also increased considerably and there were over 4,000 breweries in 2015, marking a 15% jump in the number of total breweries. At this point in time, the number of breweries in the United States was greater than it had ever been before. An insulated beer growler as well as other types of growlers (like a stainless steel beer growler and a vacuum sealed growler) are often available for purchase. An insulated beer growler is particularly ideal because it lets you keep your drink cool, a must in the summer months. And craft breweries where you can purchase an insulated beer growler have become more popular than ever before, representing over 10% of the total market of the United States beer industry.
No matter what kind of beer you drink, be it a seasonal craft beer or a can of PBR, drinking beer has actually been proven to show positive effects on health. In fact, those considered moderate drinkers were almost twice as likely to exercise than those who abstained from beer and other types of alcohol.
From picking up an insulated beer growler at your favorite local brewery to just grabbing a six pack at your grocery store or gas station, there are a lot of ways to enjoy a large variety of beers. While it’s always important to enjoy any alcoholic beverage in moderation, there are also health benefits to enjoying a beer once in awhile.