The lack of air conditioning was brutal. As your college daughter drove from Shreveport, Louisiana, down to Baton Rouge her air conditioner quit again. She just had her older truck serviced and she knows the mechanic had refilled and checked everything before she left town. In fact, at the beginning of the trip she was so cold she had the blower turned to its lowest setting. An hour later, however, no cooling was happening and she was again resorting to what she unloving called four by four air conditioning. Driving with all of the windows down was loud, but she could at least have a breeze.
When this trip was over she returned to the mechanic in search of an answer. It turned out that there was the smallest crack in the new cap that had been installed on the air conditioning fluid reservoir. Minute error, enormous problem.
Proper Use of X-Ray Food Inspection Equipment Keeps the Nation’s Food Safe and Healthy
It is the smallest of things that often matter the most.
When it comes to the food that we eat, few things are more important than the X-ray food inspection equipment that is in use. Through the use of food metal detectors, and checkweigher machines, the industry that produces, processes, and packages our food can keep consumers safe. The latest advancements in the food packaging industry work to two three things: provide efficiency, promote the product, protect the consumer. Consider some of this information about the importance of this industry:
- 52% of people around the world make purchase decisions partially influenced by packaging that shows a brand is making a positive environmental and social impact.
- Each pound of plastic packaging can reduce food waste by as much as 1.7 pounds, according to estimations made by packaging experts.
- In fact, two pounds of plastic can deliver 1,300 ounces, which is equivalent to 10 gallons, of a beverage such as water, juice, or soda. On the flip side, you would need three pounds of aluminum to bring home the same amount of product, eight pounds of steel or more than 40 pounds of glass.
- Vacuum sealers preserve food three to five times longer than food stored in plastic containers or bags.
- 60% of the U.S. population, representing about 148 million people, have access to a plastics recycling program.
- Ferrous, non ferrous, and stainless steel are the three main groups of metallic contaminants that a food metal detector can sense.