Learn to Love Organic Micro Greens

Micro basil

If you are looking for a fresh way to spice up your meals, you are in luck. Have you tried adding organic micro greens to your dishes? These may be small but they pack a nutritional punch. If your kids balk at eating their vegetables, you can try these. It has been reported that children respond well to a colorful plate. The ideal number of colors for a child’s taste is six food colors and seven food components. Adults only prefer three.

Organic micro greens have been a favorite of chefs for years. They began popping up in upscale San Francisco restaurants in the 1980s. The trend made its way eastward in the 1990s and now they are served all over the country and elsewhere.

What are organic micro greens?

Organic micro greens come in a wide variety of tastes from sweet to spicy. Originally, they only came in a few varieties such as arugula, beets, kale, basil, and cilantro but that group has expanded over the years. Basically, the true leaves are picked at a very young age in the lifecycle of the plant. They are typically between 1 and 1.5 inch. Once the leaves get bigger than that, they are no longer called micro greens. The time from germination to harvest is about two to four weeks.

If you want to enjoy organic micro greens a home, you should know they have a rating system. One is the worst and five is the best. None are sold with a rating of lower than three. You should also know that they have a shorter lifespan so you should eat them soon after you buy them. Store them at 4 degrees celsius or 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit to keep them fresh.

There are a lot of uses for organic micro greens. Of course you can try adding micro greens to salads for a spicier take on that. They are great on pizza or pasta. Any time you use a vegetable, you can substitute organic micro greens. Use them in the dishes you already make to give them a fresh taste. When you are at the market, ask about their specialty produce. You might want to sample a few kinds of true leaf microgreens. They come in a wide variety of flavors so make sure you try them out before you cook with them.

Some people grow their own micro greens but they are a lot harder than it may seem. You can enjoy fresh, organic micro greens from your grocery store or farmers’ market. You can sample a wider variety of organic micro greens. Whether you eat them raw in a salad or cook them with your meals, they add a wonderful flavor and texture. You can find a micro green for even the most picky eater. Just do not call them sprouts! Micro greens often get mistaken for sprouts. While sprouts may look like some micro greens, their flavor is much different.

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